Rennaissance faire dress

A quick, fun, not overly historically accurate dress I made for the Casa Loma ren faire. I wanted something a little more dressed up than my SCA garb, and the purple wool kirtle was always a slightly rough, early project. I took the skirt off the bodice, raised a waistline, made a slit down the front, and sewed it back together with a contrast brocade under-skirt. The sleeves are a matching brocade to the underskirt, lined in linen.

The sleeves turned out a little too small, and I'm not as much a fan of the two ribbon colours as I was then, so they may get slotted for a re-do sometime as well. But over-all it's a very fun, comfy costume to wear for faires. I'm wearing it with a linen shift, a striped cotton petticoat, a velvet ribbon belt, and some broaches and pearls of my great-grandmother's. 

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I'm a recent fashion school grad, trying to make a living in a big city and look fabulous while doing it
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