Posted on Tuesday, 17 September 2013 · Leave a Comment
A cosplay of the 5th Doctor from classic-era Doctor Who. A very early cosplay attempt of mine, this costume under went a few transformations over the years until it was converted to my Rule 63!Fifth Doctor Costume.
The coat was a very lucky find at a thrift store, which I trimmed with orange-red twill tape to create the contrast bands. The coat is much lighter weight than Peter Davidson's original, which makes it better for cons where it's often very warm, but also made all the layers needed in this costume very difficult. While the original 5th Doctor wore a full-sleeves cricket sweater under his costume, I used a sweater vest to reduce the bulk. The stripes around the neckline were added by hand-painting a strip of twill tape and sewing it into the neckline of a cricket sweater. The straw hat was added later, and shaped by myself from a straw blank, with a red ribbon added. The shirt was a plain dress shirt, with fabric paint added to create the contrast red inside the collar and for the question marks. The pants were made by myself.
Never a terribly flattering costume on myself (I wasn't good enough at making pants yet to stop them from looking a little pajama-bottom-esque, and layer sweaters over button downs is not the best option for someone as busty as myself), but it was fun and recognizable, and got me through many a con.
This costume, along with the other Doctors, won best in Artisan Division at the Polaris 22 masquerade.

About Me
- Marion Jane Isobel
- I'm a recent fashion school grad, trying to make a living in a big city and look fabulous while doing it
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